Benefits of Yoga: 45 Reasons I Love Yoga & Why You Will Too

What are the benefits of yoga? There are too many to count! As a mentor teacher, my intention is to create a fun, safe, and sacred space where people can learn how to let go of fear, teach from love, and truly step into their power. My hope is that this post makes you smile, inspires you to do some yoga this week, or even inspires you to enroll in teacher training!

Benefits of Yoga: Here are 45 Reasons I LOVE Yoga (in no particular order)

Happy young woman sitting outdoors in Easy Pose resting and enjoying the benefits of yoga.

  1. love the peace I get.
  2. love the power to work on myself and change my reactions to something.
  3. love that I’m not clumsy anymore and even have the occasional moment of grace.
  4. love the core strength and toned muscles that make me feel panther strong.
  5. love that now that I’m trained in it, I can give myself a class anywhere, anytime. On the dirt while camping, rooftops, airports, public gardens, downtown L.A. Portable, baby!
  6. love the ethical foundation it gives to my life.
  7. love the way it helps me manage my energy and mood.
  8. love that now I do less harm.
  9. love to stretch creaky muscles when waking.
  10.  I love that it’s taken away chronic neck/shoulder pain!
  11. love that it shows me the truth.
  12. love that I can’t imagine my life without it now.
  13. love that it changes people.
  14. love that it helps me be healthier.
  15. love that it lowers heart rate and stress levels.
  16. I love that it’s free now. I can rock a class for myself anytime I want!
  17. love that it helps me lose weight and keep it off!
  18. love that it makes me feel like falling in love. What’s up,
  19. love that I feel like a carefree kid when I do Happy Baby and Child’s Pose!
  20. love that yoga can always be modified to fit people’s needs.
  21. I love how it is, so it isn’t a fad.
  22. love how, as one of my students said, “It makes me feel like a unicorn mermaid floating through cotton candy clouds.”
  23. love how it roots me deep into my culture of origin.
  24. love how it teaches me anatomy. I now know my parts and how to use ‘em!
  25. love that it makes me cry.
  26. love that it contains an absolute truth: breath comes first! No doubt.
  27. love that it’s like enlightenment catnip. Especially Savasana.
  28. love that it’s fun to try different styles, studios, teachers, and even mats.
  29. love that it has become part of me.
  30. love that I look forward to it every day.
  31. love that it gets me through heartbreak.
  32. love that I can do it all day long.
  33. love that sometimes I feel like Gumby, not Pokey. (Yes, millennials look it up! So worth it.)
  34. love that yoga fell me in love.
  35. love that it brings me balance. (What’s up, Tree Pose!)
  36. love that it’s playful, practical, and profound.
  37. love that it’s not a secret club or a popularity contest. It’s all-inclusive, and everyone’s invited to the party.
  38. love that it softens the angles of my face.
  39. love that it combines ancient and modern wisdom.
  40. love that it kinda makes meditation fail-proof.
  41. love yoga because it helps my bones sit together right.
  42. I seriously love that it helps me fall asleep at night. Hello, long forward folds and holds!
  43. love that it makes me laugh.
  44. love that it isn’t a competition. Even though I thought it was at first, oh, my so deeply flexible mat-neighbor.
  45. love it because it’s something I wasn’t naturally good at, and I gained mastery through practice.

Reprinted with permission from
YogaUOnline contributor Susanna Barkataki

Susanna Barkataki, M.Ed. E-RYT is a yogi, writer, speaker, blogger, and educator working at the intersection of self-care, yoga, Ayurveda, socially-engaged entrepreneurship, and healing justice. She has a Master’s degree in Education. She is a Master Yoga teacher trainer with over 5,000 hours of certified training in diverse modalities of Yoga, Meditation, Mindfulness, Energy Work, and Ayurveda. She has taught over 2,500 students, been an educator for 15 years, teaching social justice and history K-12, and leads retreats, workshops, and trainings for adults.                                                             

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